Better Not Go To Waste

Our seat during the dialog for Tim Rektor HEA. HOH. Tu lah, keluar lagi pukul 9 padahal majlis start pukul 8! Kena duk atas lepas tu it was only the 6 of us so bila org bwh pandang atas mmg cnfirm nmpk muka kterang je lah. Dah lah buat scene time Aini nk tanya soalan hahaha

I say this dialog is better than yesterday's. PJI. Boooring. tkda kena mengena langsung Engineering dgn keusahawan -__-'

Yg tkleh tahan nya duk directly dgn Ketua Pelajar kterang Ohs Mais God. Handsome nyaaa. Haish, tkleh jadi ni.

Some updates,
Hihi, finally a calm Saturday at campus this week. Workshop is cancelled! Yayyy! And got cuti Maulud Rasul some more on Sunday :') Could really use the Sunday to revise my Calculus cause we're gonna hv our second test on Wednesday and I would really like to maintain my rank in class (ehem, no 3. TAKE THAT GENIUS ASSES), InsyaAllah haha and study more on my Process Chemistry and conquer that subject too haha hopefully.

And surprisingly, tak balik rumah this time. Normally, dapat cuti satu hari je pun cepat je beli ticket nk balik. Afiq "Aih Afiqah tk balik? Biasa dpt cuti satu hari je pun dah balik. Tkpyh cuti, weekend biasa pun sibuk nk balik" Asal Afiq? nk hantar aku balik Shah Alam ke? But yes, I'm surprised myself too because initially I've prepared myself mentally 'Balik akhir bulan 3, balik akhir bulan 3' so I guess the mind over matter thing worked - big time.

So hopefully my first full weekend for this sem on campus won't go to waste so tomorrow maybe I'll be checking out my friends who entered Chess Competition (seriously, I don't have anything better to do) anddd, Beachwalk on Saturday dimana Teluk Gadung dpn kampus ni tidak dibazirkan dan dipenuhkan dgn pelajar pelajar yg terperangkap di kampus hujung minggu. And lastly, a theater on Saturday night. And Sunday full on blast with my studies :)

Have a nice weekend everyone, mine has already started! :D


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