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"Dah makan belum?"
"Bel - "
"Eh, salah soalan ni, jap jap. haa, dah makan dah?"
"Siod - "
"Eh jap jap, lagi tepat. Dah makan kan?"

"Kau tgh makan ke?"
"Manada tgh makan"
"Hahaha first time aku silap"

-________-' dia mmg ingt aku makan literally 24/7 ke?!?!

BTW, i was reading this (Click) and i was thinking "hmm mmg no 3, 5, 6 tu mmg lah slalu guna time bfre/tgh gaduh" and no 1 tu mmg dah slalu sgt dah Fahmi tu dgr. "k k, FINE!". Ayat standard habiss

One last thing, video bwh ni sumpah kena tngk k, comel gila pak cik ni menariiii. rasa mcm nk menari dgn dia pun ada haha so adorable pls :}

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Raise Yo Hand If You're 19 on 2011!

Hehe, lepas dah satu update rindu pulak nk blog. Haha. So this post mai dgr cerita Widad jadi murtabak asam -__-' haha

It was Widad's birthday on the 13th January. Happy birthday Widadddd :D *hugs* plan nk kena kan malam tu jugak tp ada org tu lama sgt on the phone (ehem, yours truly) hehe. so tak jadi. last last kena kan hari Jumaat sbb class hbs awal that day :B

Dah lah boleh pulak tertinggal tepung atas katil kn. so we bought another one at One Stop. our first mistake was, Me Nadhrah Faeez and Hafiz had our lunch early. patut keluar makan dgn Widad. so yeah, still, lepas class we still accompanied Widad and Wa to lunch. and pakat pakat, okay tunggu kat carpark Melang br kena kn Widad

So dah sampai je Melang Faeez terus dtg kat kereta and "Happy Birthdaaaayyy Widaddd" pap, pecah satu telur atas kepala. Hafiz dtg melompat lompat pap, lagi satu. I got excited, pap, satu lagi atas kepala Widad. hehe. yg mencapai tepung Wa dgn Nadhrah dulu lah so mula lah semua as campak campak semua benda

last last, bukan Widad sorang je kena, semua kena. Hafiz keluar kan asam jawa and sapu kat muka semua org. perghh dia pegang muka aku sapu mmg terbaik punyaaa. lebih kurang semua lah kena tepung telur and asam kan. nk try pecah kn telur atas kepala Faeez, nk rosakkn rambut dia, but he was too tall. and bila sampai kat dia, tang tu pulak lah tiba tiba telur tu punya susah nk pecah. dtg dekat dgn Faeez sikit je dia tolak tangan lepas tu amik muka aku habis aa tepung semua. siod -___-'


yang paling tk boleh bla, we did all this while people are having classes all around us. haha entah lah dierang sedar ke tidak kan.

so that was it. habis dah kena kan Widad.

BUT OH WAIT, tepung ada bnyk lagi leftover nk buat apa? kasi je lah Faeez and Hafiz simpan dulu. Wrong move dudes.

Widad dah safely masuk NST 5, Me Wa and Nadhrah was walking towards our house when suddenly Wa was like "EH EH EH EH!" tk sempat nk tngk apa jadi tiba tiba boleh rasa tepung bnyk gila berterbangan kat sebelah. Hafiz ambush lagi siiiiiallll hahaha and he totally got away sbb cm tksempat nk react HEH

scene of crime. tepung tk hilang even after hujan. hehe nasib tk kena saman

asam jawa. eww pls. Hafiz punya kerja lah ni

siapa lagi nk kena lepas ni? Hmmmm, Nadhrah next k. birthday dia March hehe. semua dah target birthday Nadhrah *evil laughs*

sebagai penutup post, the other day I followed Faeez to One Stop sbb dia nk photostat student card dia. so i looked at the copy and cm katai katai dia aa "fuyooo, gangster hbs aa muka kau Faeez" when i noticed his IC and cm "EH FAEEZ! BIRTHDAY KAU 2ND APRIL?" and he snatched the paper so quickly and Faeez was like "mampussss (slang dia hahaha) wei, jgn bgtau dierang Afiqah" Wrong move dude.

I turned to the rest of them "wei krng tau tak, birthday Faeez 2nd April?! mmg sempat aa nk kena sblm habis sem hehe" and right now, Faeez and Nadhrah is being haunted till their birthday. "abang Aprilll" hahaha funny shizzz

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To Sir, With Love

You're one of the gang yg masuk umur terlebih awal :D
Anyway, you're birthday is like the first among our friends and you're the first to taste our (cue horror music) TWENTIES next year.
In the mean time, enjoy your last teen year baby!
I love you much darling! Xx
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The First Week / 11

my first week was okay i guess. registered back to UiTM and decided to make Nadhrah, Wa and Ayu my roommates, by force. dah lah dpt NST 6, rumah plng controversy hahahaha sgt jealous dgn Widad sbb dia dpt bilik ada aircond! and dia mmg dah tkde hati langsung nk duk dgn kterang tp she was in our room like most of the time. SO, lai lai, nk story mcm mana boleh satukan semua rkn rkn dlm satu bilik (!)

she registered earlier than me. lucky for both of us, we still get the same house. Tp wa dgn widad rumah NST 5. lepas register dpt tau, i got the VIP room (HEH, VIP lah sgt. bilik blkg k) all by myself. there should be another 3 people in the room tktau lah siapa sbb tk register lg. so dah mcm "Nadhrah, kita duk je bilik ni, tunggu smpai ada org masuk then kita suruh dia tukar dgn kau". So we called Widad over to my room and we updates ourselves while waiting for mystery roommate #2

Last last mystery roommate #2 appeared and kterang terus "hmmm nk tukar bilik tk?" and dia agree! CLAP CLAP. Now, wasn't that easy? Nadhrah sedih sbb dia baru je tukar locker baru last last tukar bilik hehehe sorry baby!

Wa suddenly appeared in our room with such drama. told her i still have 2 empty beds in my room and she was like "NAKKK" padahal rumah lain minah ni so, again, we waited in my room for mystery roommate #3. tunggu tunggu tunggu, tiba tiba Lela Shamsuddin masuk bilik tu.

Amik kau, Widad dah terdiam muka aku pulak dah 'errr, alamak' ada issue lah dgn minah ni last sem -____-' hahahaha. Wa terus bangun and "wei, kau tukar bilik dgn aku nk? roommate aku sorang ni kwn kau, tp aku rumah lain aa. jom check!" amboii, laju je kau Wa. so they went to NST 5 and last last deal Wa dpt tukar bilik yayyy CLAP CLAP

Lela siap ckp kat Wa "tukar lah bilik Wa, aku tkboleh dgn kwn kwn kau tu" hahahahaha

ni paling susah. Ayu dah lah register satu hari lambat. first day of class, we went to Beting. bila balik, Wa reached our room first and she was the first to met mystery roommate #4!

fikir punya fikir mana lahhh Ayu ni, she should be rooming with us! lambat betul minah ni register. dah lah mystery #4 ni kerek gila nk mamps. lagi lagi dpt part 1 ohnoooo. so we just wait and wait for Ayu. dah lah mystery #4 ni bengang sbb aku dgn Nadhrah amik dua dua katil atas padahal satu tu katil dia hahaha

and finally, Ayu sampai pun depan bilik kterang lepas maghrib! and she told us, that should be her in our room but somehow the management mixed it up :S so instead, Ayu had to find an empty bed for the night in any one of the houses. SERIOUSLY?

so fikir fikir we decided "Ayu, kita cari rumah kosong, kita suruh je budak tu yg pindah situ, kau masuk bilik kterang"and we did that. cari NST 5, 4, 3, 2 and finally, NST 1 ada satu kosong. buat deal dgn budak budak rumah tu and balik bilik terus bincang dgn minah tu and everyone sprinted into action. cepat je angkat brg minah tu pindah pergi NST 1 hehehe

yayyy CLAP CLAP complete semua 4 roommates mmg kwn baik punya (Y)

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