Why I ♥ My Friends ;)
Yes, this is a bit overdue. But, I took pictures and said "Cepat cepat, nk masuk blog ni!" hahaha who says that anymore? (I do). Whaat? I like keeping memories aloiveee haha Lame.
So yes! The other day, I was not suppose to leave my beloved Dungun (as if), but I had to, cause I couldn't possibly do any work without my Chemistry textbook considering I have both Organic Chemistry and Process Chemistry this sem. Joyful.
So, I went back. Told Fahmi and he kept saying "Oh rindu mama eh?" "Bukann, nk amik buku lah" "Oh, fhm fhm. Rindu baba kan?" hahaha. And I got really lucky! Why? Because Raa decided to cook dinner for us for the second time! YAY!
Have a look at our 2 cooks :

Ann & Raa ;)

I swear Sha wasn't just posing. Nice cooking experience eh Sha?

Foods cooked by our favourite future Chef, Nur Sarah :')
Foods on mah plate
Raa's meatballs was d'bomb. And mashed potatoes. *thumbs up*
I say food and good company is really the best combination of all time. But, too bad, most of our friends couldn't be there. For girls it was just Me, Ann, Raa, Sha and Diey. Boys outnumbered us again as usual, so naming them right now is a challenge. Jaa and Farisha dropped by. Met Danial too!! LAMA GILA TKJUMPA? and they even put Syakir on Skype while us girls are washing the dishes ;)
Yay, looking forward till the next time Raa put on a dinner again for us! :)
p/s: The pictures are not Picasso level, yes. Didn't had a proper camera haha this or nothing mann.
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