Bye 2011
Last post for 2011! I can't believe I only have this much ----> posts (33 including this one) for 2011. What happened to blogging? I donch have many many time to belog. Sadd, really.I guess I get busier and it gets harder to start a blog post.
Anyw, have you guys (whoever is reading this) ever watched Epic Meal Time? It's disgusting. It's fattening. It's crap. But sometimes at the same time, looks tempting to eat. But mostly it's just disgusting. And most of it, the main ingredient is Becon or Pork. So .. eh. I watched it because my cousin showed it to me and being a normal guy he is, he gets tempted to eat some of it. BOYS.
How can something so big fit so much in their stomach? And ni bukan satu je video dierang okay!
So nigahiga did a parody of Epic Meal Time haha
Hahah thanks to my little sister, I found nigahiga. His videos are so funny. So if you really need a good laugh, watch his videos!
And after watching nigahiga's version of Epic Meal Time, the real Epic Meal Time is not that scary anymore haha.
OH AND YES, lets give 2012 a big warm welcome shall we? I'm finally 20! Before this I use to think that sucks, but now I can't wait to be a little more older :D
So tolong lah rakan-rakan, jadi lebih bertanggungjawab dan lebih mature. Jangan buat benda-benda bodoh lepas tu kasi lagi alasan-alasan bodoh. Kita kan dah 20 :)
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