With L
the other day,Kamar invited me to study group at his house.tapi entah mcm mana,dah pusing pusing,pergi blaja hospital pulak while visiting Izzud (Y) so smpai sana lambat sikit and bila dah sampai nmpk muka muka familiar.there was Izzud (obviously) Fit Kamar Aswad and sadly .. Majid.hahaso sat there,ckp ckp.then Majid amik this one magazine then ckp (dgn penuh bahagia) "Afiqahhhh,Izzud kasi aku buku ni" guess what magazine?

ni ha,buku Men's Health issue December 2009.hmm,sesuai la ni buku ni dgn kau Majid.konon nk fit aa.lepas tu buku ni,ada la 2 cover.tapi terlalu obscene ye for my blog :D my blog is U rated.tkde nya nk 18SX ni.
lepas tu,Majid dgn bahagianya flip through the pages and showed me his by far,favorite picture in the magazine.and,as predicted,once again 18SX.eh kau nii,mata tu jaga sikit ye.buta kang.
and after the visit at the hosp,Majid sent me and Kamar to Ana's place.thanks Majid!jaga iman kau tu elok elok okay :')
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