Up Up and Away
MY GOD.tak tahan!mengantuk gilaaaa!tp mcm tkboleh tidur je(!)and now comes the classic tale.smua org kat sklh tau i sleep at 4AM,wakes up at 6AM and goes to school like any other normal day.tp smpai certain level dah tktahan,ni la dia jadi nya :
Jaa conteng tu sbb dia expect all year long dia akan makan dlm kelas.tp tukar la ye.aku pulak yg tdo tmpt dia (Y) ayoo Jaa,conteng meja,berdosa tau takkk (N) hehe the story behind the picture : initially nk dengar Ustazah Arlina ceramah.dah la duduk sorang k time tu (Jaa duduk dgn Azim ke sapa) then cm first first "kk,baring jap.tdo 10 minutes" bila bangun amik kau "Assalamualaikum Ustazah" dah habis kelas O: terkejut gila bangun tu.1 hour plus tdo and i thought it was 10 minutes -.-'
i'm browsing through the pictures from last year.last year biasalah,paparazzi smua aktif ye dlm kelas.all random pictures will be taken.mcm ni
i'm browsing through the pictures from last year.last year biasalah,paparazzi smua aktif ye dlm kelas.all random pictures will be taken.mcm ni
dia kata blkg board tu bau cm cupcakes?WTF
i don't get the boys.tp funny k.haha and then ada la game calculator they made up.dgn calculator pun boleh buat game.gila creative k!best pulak tu.addictive gila main ramai ramai one group and then bila jerit "YES DAPAT!" smua cm "damnn!"lepas tu budak laki boleh pulak imagine dierang ni Picasso ke apa,lukis and then display kat blkg buat auction (?)
then ada season we were all addicted to hand sanitizers -.- yes,hand sanitizers.ni yg mcm addicted,bila bukak satu je bau satu kelas then smua dtg hulur tangan nk sikit.budak laki k,kalah budak perempuan -.- haha then the Rubic's rube and elmo haha.i have a lot of pictures from last year.post la kat FB,buat apa simpan sorang sorang tngk kn? :')
p/s : Brooo,cepat balik from wherever you are.Europe eh?rindu do lama tkmsg kau :') aku balik nnt karaokeee!wohoooo.suara aku still tkfully recover k.haha for soo long!GILA BABS
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