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Mend My Leg Will You?

LONG WAITED,finally dpt jumpa ituu Alana dgn Jawahir!omg,rindu gila k :') ni cm,rindu gila gila!ckp dgn Jaa pun otp je everyday :( tp td sudah jumpa :D wohoo

andddd,dapat makan meatball @ Ikea k!gila bestttt.Lana dah dengan feeling nya makan satu satu.nk savor properly la konon kan.haha.sad to say,Jaa is not a fan of meatballs.boooo.boring aa kau.and after lunch at Ikea,we went to OU sbb nk go through the shops there.so berpusing la kat sana.pusing punya pusing.OH!nmpk Harisudin kerja k!nk tegur gila gila,tp dia cm tksedar lngsung kterang dlm kedai tu lama -.- haha.

then Aswad call.dia tgh break (Y) so jumpa dia kat Arena Foodcourt tu.tktau asal la kan,tapi mmg jakun sikit aa tngk mamat tu mkn.left handed O.O hmmm and then we went for a walk and by 3.30PM his break's over.walked with him to Toys R Us and decided to hang there for a while.

gila lama siod tk singgah sana.and then,Lana and Jaa tgh berlawan siapa dpt pegang pipi budak kecik plng bnyk -.- Oh.My.God.penat gila k ikut dierang berkejar kejar.and when i talked,they ignored me!hahaha,ni yg mmg betul betul ignore.dah jerit nama bnyk kali pun tklayan.esp Jaa!frust menonggeng (woweezzz hahaha)

Aswad boleh pulak suruh Jaa menggatal dengan one of the worker there.HAHAHA.dah kahwin pulak tu.and then,logically,Jaa kot -.- dia biasa aa.buat je apa org suruh.so dia g la saja saja tanya mana mainan yg Cashier McD tu and stuff.lawak gila k haha and everytime dia senyum kat Jaa sorang je,me and Lana muka dah tahan gelak gila.haha

said bye to Aswad,smpai next year tkjumpa k :'( (hehe,bunyi cm lama kan?) after keluar Toys R Us kn,cm terus penat.dah tklarat dah.hahaha i totally blame this one to Lana and Jaa.penat k layan dierang dgn game nk pegang pipi budak kecik tu-.- haha went to Cotton On beli satu baju (Y) met Farisha and browsed through the shops.

OMG.haha ada one part tu,we were infront of McD tau.the small one upstairs.Jaa bising nk beli lipgloss dia kat Guardian padahal kterang baru je naik.bukan nk ckp before -.- haha

Me : aku nk beli air kat TGV jap.kau nk pergi beli skrg ke benda tu?
Jaa : *nods*
Me : ha,jap aa.aku nk bli air jap
Jaa : tknk laaa!aku nk beli skrg!
Me : apa kau ni?bagi je la aku beli air! *slaps her face*
Jaa : tak!aku nk beli Nivea duluuu!
Me : asal?sekejap jee
Jaa : GSC jauh la!
Me : KEPALA HO KAU GSC.bodoh,aku ckp TGV aa! *points at TGV*
Me : kau fikir aku bodoh nk pergi jauh jauh? *slaps her*
Jaa : HAHAHAHA ok then

and then,ada this one man kat blkg tu,dengar and pandang je kterang HAHAHAHA.then i guess he saw me pushing Jaa's head towards the floor -.- HAHA then bila lalu balik depan tu sbb nk turun escalator dia cm senyum senyum then padang me and Jaa awkward gila!siap besarkn mata lagi sbb kterang link hands hahahah padahal td gaduh.then tgh jalan tu,someone bumped into Jaa and dia cm struggle and i said "apa kau ni!" and that dude,was bulging O.O hahaha,i guess we're that weird huh?haha

thennn,by 5+PM dah tklarat dah.ni serious kaki dah mmg rasa berat gila.rasa mcm boleh baring je tgh tgh jalan kat OU tu.met my parents somewhere in the old wing after Farisha left,Jaa buat lawak dgn mama lama gila k -.- haha penat tunggu dia habis ckp hahaha and then i sent Jaa to TGI's.tkingt dah brapa ribu kali peluk minah tu.dia emo betul ckp lama tkjumpa nnt.lek aa bro.12 hari je aku tkde (Y) haha and Alana also left.met Azim and dia kerja kat Celebrity Fitness.ergh.k!

happy gila k jumpa 2 ekor tu.lama gilaaa tkjumpa!t'was a very very good day (Y) :') haha SEE YOU NEXT YEAR BABIES :') <3

p/s : it's already 2AM and Aswad is still not online :'( talk to me mannnn!
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Tight Grip On Reality

Cool gila siod rambut Hayley O.O (!) + I HAVE ALWAYS WANTED TO USE THAT MICROPHONE O.O , nk gila gila!you don't know how bad i really want to be among the crowds who would be screaming/singing along with her.Ann mesti tau kann,kann?Paramore is coming to Singapore.NAK PERGI!
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Up Up and Away

MY GOD.tak tahan!mengantuk gilaaaa!tp mcm tkboleh tidur je(!)

and now comes the classic tale.smua org kat sklh tau i sleep at 4AM,wakes up at 6AM and goes to school like any other normal day.tp smpai certain level dah tktahan,ni la dia jadi nya :

Jaa is sleeping eating. Look up (?)

Jaa conteng tu sbb dia expect all year long dia akan makan dlm kelas.tp tukar la ye.aku pulak yg tdo tmpt dia (Y) ayoo Jaa,conteng meja,berdosa tau takkk (N) hehe the story behind the picture : initially nk dengar Ustazah Arlina ceramah.dah la duduk sorang k time tu (Jaa duduk dgn Azim ke sapa) then cm first first "kk,baring jap.tdo 10 minutes" bila bangun amik kau "Assalamualaikum Ustazah" dah habis kelas O: terkejut gila bangun tu.1 hour plus tdo and i thought it was 10 minutes -.-'

i'm browsing through the pictures from last year.last year biasalah,paparazzi smua aktif ye dlm kelas.all random pictures will be taken.mcm ni

dia kata blkg board tu bau cm cupcakes?WTF

lepas tu budak laki boleh pulak imagine dierang ni Picasso ke apa,lukis and then display kat blkg buat auction (?)

i don't get the boys.tp funny k.haha and then ada la game calculator they made up.dgn calculator pun boleh buat game.gila creative k!best pulak tu.addictive gila main ramai ramai one group and then bila jerit "YES DAPAT!" smua cm "damnn!"

then ada season we were all addicted to hand sanitizers -.- yes,hand sanitizers.ni yg mcm addicted,bila bukak satu je bau satu kelas then smua dtg hulur tangan nk sikit.budak laki k,kalah budak perempuan -.- haha then the Rubic's rube and elmo haha.i have a lot of pictures from last year.post la kat FB,buat apa simpan sorang sorang tngk kn? :')

p/s : Brooo,cepat balik from wherever you are.Europe eh?rindu do lama tkmsg kau :') aku balik nnt karaokeee!wohoooo.suara aku still tkfully recover k.haha for soo long!GILA BABS
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Bangun Pagi,Gosok Gigi

oookay.its 10AM k,10AM!gila babs.awal gila k O: i slept at 3AM and woke up at 6.30AM.fuyoo *tepuk tangan* wait wait,tu biasa.drum roll please!i didn't go back to sleep!wwwwoooowww.so proud of myself k :')

mama dah bangun ni siap masak muratabak lagi.sedap gilaaa.and have bibik some more in the house.the more the merrier :B (hint : tkpyh nk kemas rumah,so happy man!) anyway,i just feel like blogging,i don't hv anything on mind.i think my mojo is gone.oh nooo,dah sama nasib dgn Sha!noooo.i used to blog like every 5 minutes k,what eeezzz happeningzzz.i've been blogging since form 2 and skrg dah nothing man,nothing!sorry to let my fans down *bows* perasan kejap.

hehe ingat lagi blogging time form 2.siapa je laa ada blog.i know Farisha mmg cnfrm ada la.she got me into blogging O: then i still remember Deb and Azzim.yg dua ekor tu mmg idk la kan.addicted gila to blogging.esp Azzim.tp nk tngk dia punya '...........................' mmg never ending(!) hehe,but i miss Azzim's blog.best k baca (Y)

anyway,i can never get anyone who packs for a trip so early.i mean mann,tengok Ana O: gila awal k dia pack nk g umrah.packing has yet to cross my tiny mind okay.i've never been a fan of packing.kalau boleh nk pack 5 minutes before keluar rumah.no kid punya.nnt mula la berlari lari tertinggal charger ke cardigan ke apa kan.but hey,there's the joy!hmph joy kepala ho la sgt

aaaaaaaaaa nk sambung tidurrrrrrrrr
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Ena Shabena

my God(!) lepas dah habis SPM pun 6 hari tkupdate blog :') i don't know how i managed,tp tkde benda nk blog pun pasal.and lookie!Sha Wisha pun dah update blog dia!for soo long man!2 friggin months!hehe :B

so ni pun dah kena remind beribu kali dgn ituu Syazana a/p Fickry.lama la jugak fikir nk ckp pasal apa

Ana : Afiqah,dah update blog belum?
Me : tktau la nk update pasal apa :(
Ana : pasal aku

ini Ena kan,mau pergi Umrah 21st Dec nnt.one day before my birthday ;( so sad man!and dia dah ckp dia nk cl masa dia kat Madinah!so sweet man!that would definitely make my day :') tp kalau tkcall pun i understand la kan,opcozzzz.but s'kay s'kay,it's good enough to know she even had the idea to call me from there kan!

anywayzzzz,buat this post pun sbb lately,i am in most of her posts (A) haha anddd Ana,bila sampai sana,tolong tolong la doa kn Afiqah the best for my SPM results (Y) that would be the best birthday present ever :') kalah smua benda lain.i want to get good results so that i can finalize my decision nk blaja apa later :) and in forward,thanks baby!thanks bnyk bnyk,beribu ribu,berjuta juta k?i would totally owe this one to you :')

i'll be seeing you when you're back from Umrah Ana!later chow cincauzzzz

p/s : sorry.i think i'm addicted to adding 'zzz' at the end of my wordzzz <- point taken?
pp/s : post title courtesy to Firdaus(!) haha.dah la ada one of those days waktu jalan jalan dgn dia kat Bazaar Ramadhan ada gerai nama Ena k!gelak tkingt punya hahaha
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Five Would Be Enough

finally!dah habis pun SPM.Alhamdulilllah :') ni mmg dah tunggu dari awal tahun.anyw,how did i celebrate my freedom?went out karaoke!haha.

at first bunyi mcm ramai je pergi,so memula plan pergi Redbox kat Curve.tp ttbe turns out 5 org je pergi.so we shift to Neway at OU.at first cm terkejut aa 5 org je kan.tp 5 tu pun dah kira perfect-o la for me :')

there was only Me Sha Firdaus Syaqeel Majid.and after dah lunch kat Nando's terus gerak Neway.booked a room for 3 hours.dah la Majid semangat gila.waktu nk jln pergi bilik tu dia cm "wei krng!smgt la sikit!karaoke ni!" pastu dia berlari pergi bilik tu -.- hahaha the room was nice.the size was just nice.not too big and not too small.enough for everyone to sit comfortably.

and it begins!first song was No Promises kot.dah smua nyanyi nyanyi after half an hour dah penat dah haha.serious penat.berpeluh tkingt punya.pastu kterang keep repeating "lagi 2 jam!lagi 2 jam!" haha

dah byr.kena la join skali hahaha

then everything really pumped up when Syaqeel ke Majid pick Waking Up In Vegas.waktu ni smua dah warm up,terus bangun lompat lompat menjerit jerit haha.then the other songs that made us jump up and down was Wannabe.haha yes,Spice Girls.the songs was either chosen by Me Syaqeel or Majid.so Wannabe tu obvly la aku yg pilih.smua pun happy je nyanyi.Majid lagi aa.smua rapping part dia yg buat HAHA

see?MAJID RAP.and dengar Firdaus menjerit pls :') haha

andd lepas dah penat rap ye Majid? :B

then Firdaus cm "mana lagu Aerosmith?mana lagu Aerosmith?" tunggu tunggu and bila dah keluar smua menjerit happy gila and terus bangun menyanyi mcm apa tah hahaha.lagu I Gotta Feeling pun best gila (Y) sbb bila nmpk video clip dierang lompat lompat,kterang pun ikut lompat lompat atas sofa hahaha Firdaus react balik part yg Fergie lompat slow motion tu k haha WTF.

and omg lagu ni best jugak bwk g karaoke :') haha *dgr pls Firdaus jerit "Firdaus handsome!" hahaha lawak gila siot :') and yes,kterang mmg jerit "KAMAR-KAMARRAZY" instead of Papparazzi.hahaha

then ttbe dah 3 hours went by.and the last song was Suasana Di Hari Raya.haha lawak gila k.sbb cm lagu tu pun dierang boleh nk menjerit jerit konon rock -.- haha then Majid suruh tukar lyrics from "berlalu la sudah Ramadhan" to "berlalu la sudah SPM" haha.smua cm bahagia gila dgn idea Majid -.- haha

oh and tau tk!memula this girl masuk and order air.kterang ckp la nk 5 dulu.tktau pulak boleh mintak lebih lebih sbb cm takut kena charge.haha pindah Neway pun sbb nk save duit kan?haha then ttbe another guy masuk and ckp kterang ada lagi 9 air boleh order sbb kterang tknk food.so then ttbe dia bwk lg 9 cawan (!) dah la smu
a cawan Tiger beer tu.air Iced Lemon Tea je hahaha.so smua start main minum je air.air sapa aku bantai pun tktau.then race dgn Syaqeel sapa minum lg cepat (Y) hahaha pastu keluar tktahan nk kencing gila babs hahaha

but all in all,it was a great way to end SPM and i couldn't ask for more <3

p/s : enjoy Majid!kau ni buat stress aku je nk buat post ni cepat cepat -.- haha
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First and Lasts

TODAY.i woke up at my usual time,and got ready.went to Taman Tun and had breakfast with Jaa Aswad Bob and Izzud.we had our last Chemistry class at school today!so sad k,last time masuk Chemistry lab.

but,the biggest turn off was it was the last time i'm surrounded by my classmates :'( ni sumpah tktipu sedih gila.td duduk satu meja bebel pasal Chemical Cell dgn Majid Farid Farisha and Zaki mcm OMG,no more man!no more!this would be the last time i mingle around with my classmates,shifting tables,making up random conversations and such :'( syg gila classmates okay.

then,ni last time la ada Gama Sigma combination :') yg ni pun mesti rindu gila babs.melayan setiap sorang mmg best betul aa haha.lagi lagi?today last class dgn Mr Nathan ;( v v sad.i would like to deeply thank him for the reason because of him,i'm in love with Chemistry <3

haih hidup hidup.so esok ni.tktau la mcm mana.nk happy dah habis SPM ke sedih sekolah dah habis?konflik dgn diri sendiri :B haha (biarlahh aku nk ckp mcm kononnya aku habis SPM sama timeline dgn budak sains lain.tkboleh ke?2 hari je beza.hellloooo) haha
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With L

the other day,Kamar invited me to study group at his house.tapi entah mcm mana,dah pusing pusing,pergi blaja hospital pulak while visiting Izzud (Y) so smpai sana lambat sikit and bila dah sampai nmpk muka muka familiar.there was Izzud (obviously) Fit Kamar Aswad and sadly .. Majid.haha

so sat there,ckp ckp.then Majid amik this one magazine then ckp (dgn penuh bahagia) "Afiqahhhh,Izzud kasi aku buku ni" guess what magazine?

ni ha,buku Men's Health issue December 2009.hmm,sesuai la ni buku ni dgn kau Majid.konon nk fit aa.lepas tu buku ni,ada la 2 cover.tapi terlalu obscene ye for my blog :D my blog is U rated.tkde nya nk 18SX ni.

lepas tu,Majid dgn bahagianya flip through the pages and showed me his by far,favorite picture in the magazine.and,as predicted,once again 18SX.eh kau nii,mata tu jaga sikit ye.buta kang.

and after the visit at the hosp,Majid sent me and Kamar to Ana's place.thanks Majid!jaga iman kau tu elok elok okay :')
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This Will Never Die

HOMAIGOD.ni first post for December okay!December!cepat gila babs!k,before emotional about time moving so fast like i always do lately (which bugs me) this is something for your laughs.Jaa baru upload like 3 or 4 days ago.haha

pemenang exicited

I'm Solicitious | MySpace Video

dah penat menang

I'm Solicitious | MySpace Video

hahahahaha omg rindu okay tngk background Khairul :') rindu gila pantai!rindu Cherating with them :') first video tu pasal kterang menang the first game.Khairul tah pape,dia yg last sekali smpai,konon bnyk lemak aa,wtv sial mamat tu.Azim dah smpai terduduk,dia je yg diri lagi,nmpk sgt tkbuat pape -.-' haha and the second one was about he won tarik tali -.- im sure he didn't made any impact on the team,tp sbb team dia menang,dia pun tumpang glamour la dikatakan!

:') :') :')

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