Faces of Evil
do you guys know what my phone have gone through all this while?random wallpapers.it all started with this dude :next in line was Farid,who thought it was funny to give me a heartattack by putting this picture on my wallpaper.bukak phone mcm terkejut gila ok!but Farid didn't last long.the next day after his picture was taken,we went to the library.jumpa la pulak ...
Acap and Raa.ok,ni tksedar langsung ok.again terkejut.Acap,jgn bagi aku tngk muka kau mcm tu pls.and him,as my wallpaper.
ni kerja Firdaus.dia tngkp gambar cincin Ann and letak as wallpaper.tktau la kenapa.dia benci Acap kot?ok,gambar cincin Ann ni mcm lama la jugak sebagai wallpaper.until :
Farid found out.first ingt nk pinjam phone "afiqah,tngk phone kejap" lepas tu bila dpt balik Syaqeel ckp "wei afiqah,phone kau ada virus" ingt betul ok -.-' sbb dulu memory card mmg kena masuk virus.haha.lepas tu ignore la Syaqeel.balik tu bila nk tngk phone ayooo,Alana bersubahat ok :( tapi lepas Farid sedar mata dia kena block dgn "MY MAXIS".so dia pun tukar again dengan ...
gambar poyo ni.and then,the phone was passed around.pass pass pass ttbe dpt pulak gambar monyet ni :
Majid.tkhbs hbs buat muka tu -.-' and now,currently,my phone's wallpaper is Majid's picture.it's been 2 days now.bila bukak phone most of the time mesti ckp "Ya Allah" hahahaha.tp screen saver dgn start up screen still Bujur aa.haha
btw,nk tngk cara Majid tngkp gambar tk?
hehehehe,tngkp sendiri wooo :B
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