today,i went to school.i didn't regret about it so much.who would have thought it would end up good?hahalets start of with something out of the ordinary that happened today.for instance,Gama '09 today,just broke a new record.9 ORG JE DTG SKLH HARI NI BRO.gila!
well,my class is just so used to the phrase "Gama live do.ramai org eh dlm kelas dierang" "kelas Gama je yg penuh setiap hari kan?" hari ni,9 ORG JE?hahahaha,kalah kan Sigma ok!Sigma 10 org dtg,Gama 9!tp Beta champion aa hari tu,5 je,whaddap?haha
tp mmg serious pelik sikit.i'm used to the noises and all the shouting,sarcasm and running around from the boys.hari ni,haha pelik.
the reason why Gama always have the most attendance pun sebab ada cikgu ke tkde,kterang still blaja dlm kelas.some of them also have their own 'study group' session outside of the class (yes,weird,but true.they like the wind from outside).and we always have Hakim around to ask about Physics and Add,it's just up to you nk blaja ke tak.kalau tkblaja mmg la rasa rugi dtg sklh.sama je mcm g library,it's up to you nk blaja ke borak kan?
so,Pn Siaw,never misses her class.and even with 8 people in the class (Hazwani lari pergi library),we manage to make enough noise to make her pause,sit down and say "this is very important y'knowww" haha.she even signed Haris' bag and put a heart around her name!Awww :')
so in the end,Ahlami took out his camera and tangkap la gambar.the best picture would be :

koraaang,pls la ckp rambut dia mcm Astroboy kan kan kan?!HAHAHA *jgn lupa gelak pls.hahahaha

the 8 people who came today :') budak budak yg suka pergi sekolah.haha +Hazwani.such a weird crowd,i admit.haha
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