Out Of The Ordinary
finally,after 5 days of being sick,dpt jugak dtg sklh hr ni :) tu pun cm still batuk batuk,tp it's okay.at least skrg batuk tkde aa sakit badan dah (Y).anyway,i seem to be lost in my thoughts a lot today.i would just sit and hear everyone mumbling and talking about something.for the first period today,we had Chemistry.and Zaki asked me "afiqah,nk tdo lagi ke waktu Maths hari ni?" and i looked at him and laugh.last week,i broke my own record of sleeping in class.3 solid period + recess.i slept the whole way,2 hours mann.i was fasting that day,so my tummy was rumbling like mad and i decided to shut my eyes for a few minutes during Pn Siaw's lesson.and i did plan on going down to the canteen during recess just for the sake of catching up with the girls,but when i woke up,the class was empty except for Zaki,who was also sleeping next to me,Farid,at the front of the class,also sleeping and Faris doing only God knows what.so waking up to an empty class lead me to more sleeping.sampailah waktu Physics (Y)
so,in class,i am known for a heavy sleeper.tp kar kei tdo tgh tgh blaja Add Maths tkde sapa bising pun -.-' hari tu dlm Physics lab nk tarik kerusi sikit je Majid tanya "Afiqah,nk tdo ke?" ayoo,i might as well just put a day bed in the class.habis cerita,tkpyh susun kerusi ye tak? (Y)
anyway,just now,after doing a bit of AddMaths,i slept for a few hours and woke up.went down and watched TV with my dad.went back upstairs,resume watching TV and when i checked my laptop,Aswad is online.sent a few messages and he didn't reply.it was around 1AM already.i was just about to sleep for real and suddenly,Aswad reply jugakk.turns out he tried sending me messages since 12.30AM but none of it reached me.and we shall put the blame on this damned Celcom broadband.so bila dah boleh cakap,mmg tkkn tdo awal la kan?haha

tgh tgh mlm main emoticon amende ni?lifeless sial.haha
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