Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining :D
ok,after shower this evening,my temperature rise until i don't know what degree cause i'm to tired to get the thermometer in my mum's room.so,chances are,maybe i won't be going to school again tomorrow,bugger.i already miss the girls.anyway,for my 2nd day of absence in school today,i,woke up at 10.15AM,showered and went down for breakfast.onlined for a long few hours,ate lunch and watched tv for the whole evening.andd,(my lucky day),they're showing Titanic at Star Movies!i love Titanic and everytime dia tunjuk part sinking tu,i would imagine myself in their shoes.Ya Allah,takut gila :s harap harap tkmati mcm tu.Aminnn.

anddd to think i would ignore that Leonardo DiCaprio was a real eye candy?NEVER! :D

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