Family Day
Family day at A'Famosa resort was really was really fun gathering with 13 family with 3 rented bungalow.we arrived there around 6+ and after unpacking a bit,we went to a restaurant for our dinner.the service was seriously dad and my uncles had to argue with the workers first,all of us,especially my table was really noisy,but when the food arrived,terus semua diam.syok makan.Pak Bi : Sapa boleh baca doa makan?
Batrisya : Tisya boleh!Tisya boleh!
Crowd : Haa,cepat baca Tisya
Batrisya : *baca doa* Ya Allah Ya Tuhan kami,berkati rezeki kami,jauhi kami dari azab api meraka
Cik Ati : Eh,over pulak Pak Bi ni.cuba tngk Tisya!
Batrisya : *tunduk kepala,menangis*
Crowd : HAHAHA,bapak dia pulak tu yang over ejek dia -.-'
last last,Pak Bi kena pujuk anak dia and kne makan dinner kat meja kterang.haha,sapa suruh ejek anak lebih lebih ;p
me and my family went to Cowboy Town and it was super dead over there.there was only one thing worth looking at : that seriously handsome dude with that red cowboy hatt.sumpah handsome GILA.handsome GILA GILA.
when we arrived back at the bunglow,it was about 10.30pm+ and after a while,haney,nurul and fatina persuaded me to jump into the pool.the pool was seriously salty.its the case of too much chlorine.but we try to ignore and have fun until it was around 12am.
the next day,we spent the morning with lotsa lotsa games.and my personal favourite would be campak telur.Pok Teh mmg ejek org dah tkingt dunia.last last dia pun kalah -.-' haha as for the game for 'belon belon cinta' was fun was really obvious that my dad and Pak Jang cheated.
and cam,obviously my dad won -.-' you can see it in a video,my dad was infront,Pak Jang yg left behind,but the balloon is still stuck to my dad hahaha
after that,theres this one game where you have to carry the onion on your dad,as usual,tried to cheat,so he put the onion between his thighs but then Pak Bi caught him.
Pak Bi : Balang,tu bukan lutut!
My dad : Iye!ni lutut!
Pak Bi : aaa,tkde tkde
My dad : cikgu ajar dulu ni lutut! *point to his thighs*
Pak Bi : haa,cikgu awak salah!
My dad : ish,cikgu tu bodoh la tuuu
then,they paused the games was it was too was already about 12pm when me,hani,fatina and nurul decided to take a nap inside one of the much for a nap,i ended up sleeping until 5pm!they even finished up the leftover games.
by 6pm,we got ready to leave for dinner somewhere at Sg Udang or wtv.after dinner,we were all dumbfounded as where to go next.sooo,we decided to go tooo,Bandar Hilir Melaka.near Dataran Pahlawan,there was this one menara called Menara Taming Sari.and when you go up there,you could see Melaka from bird eye was beautiful, could see that eye on melaka thingy and this one boat and stuffs.
we went back to the bungalows and everyone was exhausted for being in the car for too long.but,Mira and Hani had to force their eyeballs up to organise the presents and such.
Nurul : eh,td mengantuk,tp lepas solat dah fresh balik dah ni
Fatina : eh,tu setan la td
Hani : *takes a sip from her coffee,looks at me* ha,aku pun setan! *eyeballs bulging*
Me : hahahahaha
it was funny,looking at her face suddenly lifts up.i helped them out until it was that time,we just couldn't keep up anymore and we just had to sleep.
as for the last day,they give away the presents for the winners and it was really entertaining,seeing the adults trying to act for their games.e.g. Pak Bi and Pok Teh won for baling telur,and they tried to throw their presents to each other haha and Pok Teh won for the carrying onion on the knee,and he walked to the front,knees glued and hand wide open trying to balance himself while shouting "bawak bawang!bawak bawang!" haha
after that,theres this one game where you have to carry the onion on your dad,as usual,tried to cheat,so he put the onion between his thighs but then Pak Bi caught him.
Pak Bi : Balang,tu bukan lutut!
My dad : Iye!ni lutut!
Pak Bi : aaa,tkde tkde
My dad : cikgu ajar dulu ni lutut! *point to his thighs*
Pak Bi : haa,cikgu awak salah!
My dad : ish,cikgu tu bodoh la tuuu
then,they paused the games was it was too was already about 12pm when me,hani,fatina and nurul decided to take a nap inside one of the much for a nap,i ended up sleeping until 5pm!they even finished up the leftover games.
by 6pm,we got ready to leave for dinner somewhere at Sg Udang or wtv.after dinner,we were all dumbfounded as where to go next.sooo,we decided to go tooo,Bandar Hilir Melaka.near Dataran Pahlawan,there was this one menara called Menara Taming Sari.and when you go up there,you could see Melaka from bird eye was beautiful, could see that eye on melaka thingy and this one boat and stuffs.
we went back to the bungalows and everyone was exhausted for being in the car for too long.but,Mira and Hani had to force their eyeballs up to organise the presents and such.
Nurul : eh,td mengantuk,tp lepas solat dah fresh balik dah ni
Fatina : eh,tu setan la td
Hani : *takes a sip from her coffee,looks at me* ha,aku pun setan! *eyeballs bulging*
Me : hahahahaha
it was funny,looking at her face suddenly lifts up.i helped them out until it was that time,we just couldn't keep up anymore and we just had to sleep.
as for the last day,they give away the presents for the winners and it was really entertaining,seeing the adults trying to act for their games.e.g. Pak Bi and Pok Teh won for baling telur,and they tried to throw their presents to each other haha and Pok Teh won for the carrying onion on the knee,and he walked to the front,knees glued and hand wide open trying to balance himself while shouting "bawak bawang!bawak bawang!" haha
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