
aku bet kau mesti cm bukak blog semua org hari ni nk check dierang ada buat post pasal birthday kau tak kan?haha
anyway,aku fikir panjang nk tulis apa ever since kau dah remind aku "buat blog post pasal birthday aku tau" and ble kau ckp "jgn tulis aku yg mintak blog post tu",aku dah bersumpah tknk ckp kau yg mintak (HAHA),tp cm sorry aa eijas,i can't resist temptations.
ok,eijas,i've said it,lama aku fikir apa nk tulis for this post
and i still can't remember how we first talked to each other and neither do i have any memorable events that highlighted you.
but,all that i know is,you are,one of a kind eijas.
ever since form 1,up till now,everyone is still talking about your height.they've been saying about how short you are,and now about how tall you are.Damn,i'm gonna admit it,but you are definitely taller than me.but i still look at you as if you're short cause in my mind you're just registered as short and small.haha,sorry eijas.so cm ble dtg dekat je dgn kau,rasa sakit hati sbb tau kau lagi tinggi -.-'
i've never really went into a deep conversation with you cause most of the time,i see you only praising yourself and being so freaking annoying that everytime i talk to you,its always sarcasm.
dah la,i have a disease that everytime someone ask me to tell them what i think about them,or how to describe someone,i'll just go stupid for a few moments.
andd have fun on your birthdayyy :D
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