
Haluuuuuuuuuu! How long has it been? 10 years? Hihi, anyway. I went back to Bukit Jelutong last weekend (it's only a week entering the semester hoho) and I was so thankful I went back home because I got to watch these 2 movies with my sister and brother!


The Perks of Being A Wallflower is SOOO GOOD. It's about Charlie, trying to fit into highschool and eventually became friends with Patrick and his step sister, Sam. The story then leads to how their friendship blossomed and opens up to each and every one of their 'obstacles' in life. What I can't stress enough about what I love most about this movie is one : Emma Watsons and two : the choices of songs. GENIUS.


OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD. HOW DO I START WITH LIFE OF PI???????! Okay, it was not really a movie 'I've always wanted to watch', I read at Twitter it was a good movie and the poster had a tiger in it so why not? And my sister's friend recommended that we watch it in 3D because the CGI is that good. To love this movie, you need to love imagining things..

And here are a few shots from my favourite scene: 

This is the scene where one night, Pi and Richard Parker was surrounded by thousands --millions maybe, of jellyfish and suddenly a whale came to the surface and did a big jump. :)

I do not know how to begin retelling this movie in my own thoughts because I do not have any other opinion other than, breath-taking, beautiful, stunning and MashaAllah.

In this movie, it shows you what might have been or could have been happening when you're stranded at the middle of the ocean with nothing else at sight other than more water, the sky and the reflection in the water. And you can't tell if it's true or not 'cause I don't believe each of us has ever been stranded in the middle of the ocean day and night or during a thunderstorm, and how can we know that what it shows is a lie?

I believe the effects of glow in the dark by the jellyfish, I believe the whale that jumps out of the water is glowing, I believe that the school of flying fish really, did fly across the ocean, I believe that banana could float and I believe that a tiger could jump of a boat and swim around it. Why wouldn't I believe or open up to my imagination?

This story, really did take me to another place in the world. A world that I think, being stranded at the ocean is nothing but a beautiful sight and experience. Ang Lee (director) really took on the job and is the most wonderful director with unimaginable things that I couldn't come up with.

I've watched this movie yesterday morning and up till now I'm still thinking about it. Oh God, I'm in love with this movie.... Le Sigh. 

And I'm sorry this is really not that much of a good review because I only focus on the CGIs and stuffs instead of the storyline (WHICH IS ALSO SUPERB!!!). So, please read this review that puts this movie into higher perspective and standard : here.

Both of these movies is an adaptation from a book. Between The Perks of Being A Wallflower and Life of Pi, I would read The Perks of Being A Wallflower because Life of Pi is something I find it hard to imagine. But after watching Life of Pi, I would definitely read the book because I already have the picture in my mind and I could expand it even more ;)



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