Rambang Mata!
As a result of my trip to Big Bad Wolf Book Sale :
I wish I can go there again and buy more too bad its already the last day :'(
All the books (23 of 'em, mine) is at the price RM184. How cheap is that?!?! Buku kecik ke besar, tebal ke nipis, hardcover or paperback, semua RM8. How can you not go crazy? And my dad bought a biography of Michael Jackson, and I don't get why.
So my books + my sister's + my dad's = RM507 and we get like 50+ books. HOOOOMG.
Seriously worth it (Y) and its so good to see theres still a lot of book lovers in Malaysia because I read somewhere Malaysian read on average only 2 books a year! Maybe they should held more of this type of events with cheaper books to increase the number hehe.
Hoho, I'm still excited with the books my dad paid for hehe and now I can't choose which one to read firstt! :B
p/s : They have adooorable stamps like "Big Wolf Approved!" with a paw and "I give this book a 5 tails up!" with 5 wolfs and their tails up. Can't seem to get enough! ♥ ♥ ♥
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