On The Bright Side

A New Element added to the Periodic Table...
Name: Girl
Symbol: Gl
Atomic Weight: Don't even dare 2 ask!

Physical Properties: Boils at anytime,can freeze at anytime,melts if handled with love & care,very bitter if Mishandled

Chemical Properties:
Very Reactive, Highly Unstable,
Possess strong affinity 4 Gold,Platinum,Diamond & Other precious Metals

Money reducing agent,
Volatile when left alone.

Mostly found in front of mirror

"Okay okay semua jangan force over area! Ni baru test one Physics!" (Hint : Pressure = Force / Area)

If ever someone gets excited in class, everyone will chimes in "uuu, excited state!" (Hint : Electron energy)

Try being in a class full of smart ass students who dreams of being a chemical engineer. #nerdjokes


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