Ben 10
the other day, Faeez went to Seremban with his friends doing God knows what. tapi on Monday, he came to class with a brand new watch! jam apa tau? *drum rolls* BEN 10!
yg ni boleh main tembak tembak org!
yg ni sumpah paling cool aa! the coolest of em all. dia boleh project gambar! WTH for rm 10!
yg ni pulak keluar lampu lampu!
cool gila gila k! nnt everyday dia tukar nk match dgn baju dia and dia mesti dtg tunjuk sbb dia tau aku paling excited bila nmpk jam Ben 10 baru! ada video yg dia project dari jam yg second tu, tp tkboleh upload :'( nnt aa try lagi haha
ni lah dia pelajar cemerlang. weekend boring pergi Seremban Parade beli jam pelik pelik. satu gang dia beli pulak tu, then tukar tukar. Okay Faeez -__-' hahaha
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