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Ever Get Tired Of Laughing?

Hi! So to share this with everyone in the world

this is mostly who i hang out with at my house. People from my room, room C and Widad. gila setiap malam bilik A (my room) and bilik C mesti lah yg paling gelak kuat. satu rumah boleh dengar O.O hahaha

and these people, are my roommates :) all 5 of em! i really couldn't ask for more. the best roommate i could have ever ask for (Y)

and time ni first time class malam kat Beting. tengok kat belakang, cara budak budak Melang tunggu bas (Y) and kalau nk smpai rumah awal first and foremost rule utk naik bas is : "TOLAK TOLAK! HOI CEPAT AA MASUK BAS" kalau tk jerit mcm tu mmg lah bukan budak Melang. tengok aa Lana dgn Nadhrah. baik sgt naik bas selalu kena naik 2nd bus. kena ikut cara Wa dgn Widad aa. champion naik bas.

the people i hang out with during class. yes, the same people. + the one behind lens : Alana.

my friends here are very beautiful inside and out. I'm not gonna lie when i say this cause they are the kindest people I have ever ever met. mcm nk tolong benda yg paling susah aku nk mintak tolong pun no hal lah and I'm thankful for that, truly :')

bak kata trending topic kat twitter #happyfriendshipday!
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Ben 10

the other day, Faeez went to Seremban with his friends doing God knows what. tapi on Monday, he came to class with a brand new watch! jam apa tau? *drum rolls* BEN 10!

yg ni boleh main tembak tembak org!

yg ni sumpah paling cool aa! the coolest of em all. dia boleh project gambar! WTH for rm 10!

yg ni pulak keluar lampu lampu!

cool gila gila k! nnt everyday dia tukar nk match dgn baju dia and dia mesti dtg tunjuk sbb dia tau aku paling excited bila nmpk jam Ben 10 baru! ada video yg dia project dari jam yg second tu, tp tkboleh upload :'( nnt aa try lagi haha

ni lah dia pelajar cemerlang. weekend boring pergi Seremban Parade beli jam pelik pelik. satu gang dia beli pulak tu, then tukar tukar. Okay Faeez -__-' hahaha

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