Get Ready For Me,Love

anyway,sorry for the sudden private blog :O well,something happened and i freaked out.and the first thing that i would save in this hoo-ha cyber world is my blog see,when i'm shocked,i would do a few things.senang cerita,bila terkejut la kan.
one,for sure,i would go mute.nothing will come out from my mouth,and it looks like i've spaced out.
two,if it's a message,for me to read or anything,i wouldn't read it instantly.i would pause and get myself ready for it.then i would read it
three,i would take deep breaths.kalau kat Twitter post " *tarik nafas* " tu makna tgh terkejut la tu haha
and after all that,i would just pause a moment,to register everything in my head and just shut up about takes a few days until i pass on the story to anyone else.kalau terkejut kan,muka je expressionless,walhal dalam hati menggelabah tkingat punya.cuba tanya Ann
so its been a few days and ramai gila org tanya kenapa blog private and mintak invite :') so nice eh?whithin this year,dah 3 kali dah private blog sbb sekejap je.after one day dah biasa latest,lama sikit,tktau asal :|
kalau blog tiba tiba private kan,krng tau la kenapa and be prepared Jaa Lana and Ann (!) that means i have a story hahaha anyway,i would never private my blog.tkde benda nk private pun.but Twitter stays private until certain time.and i hate that too.
cuba korang baca cerita ni!what a way to struggle yourself up. Here Enjoy :')

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