Machine of Destruction

yesterday,planned lunch with the usuals (Y) i came to Taman Tun quite early,mcm biasalah kan.went over to Ann's place and suddenly dia ajak tengok Tooth okay (Y) the movie was at 1.40pm,smpai OU je 1.20pm then msg Syaqeel terus suruh dia tngk movie skali.i tell you,that guy,gila babs cepat O.O 1.20pm dia baru bangun,dia mandi,jalan pergi OU smua,dia dah smpai kterang still tgh beratur beli ticket.hahaha flasher eh eh!The Flash!hahaha
Tooth Fairy was okay.Dwayne Johnson biasa lah.the typical sport person pakai baju comel comel haha tp Syaqeel suka gila joke yg "meet the Hammer brothers" -.-' haha
later on met up with Ilya and Lana.lepas tu call Ana and dia ckp dia dah kat Sushi Zanmai.went there and ingat cm tkramai org,tapi surprise surprise!ada Diey Waa Sha Ana Firdaus Atin Bob and Odeng + me Ann Ilya Syaqeel :') Khidhir was there too,tp he was with his sistah.Lana and Fiza left sbb dierang tkplan pun nk makan sana
there was obviously more talking than eating.i just took whatever there is on the table and drank Odeng's drink haha,dia minum sikit je,aku minum lagi banyak haha Atin kept on calling Firdaus 'lalat' and Firdaus kept calling Odeng 'Anuar Zain' and Odeng asyik asyik ckp "Anuar Zain? mana ada.aku ni Brad Pitt tanpa misai kot" ehem,righttttt *eye rolling*and the only one that keeps on eating is Ilya.serious,dia tkberhenti.suka betul dia Japanese food ni haha
all in all,it was a good day for me.suka lah jumpa ramai ramai :') thanks Ana
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