Plan Ahead!

2 days ago,my cat puked on my my mum washed my bed sheets and just now,i put 'em back smells nice,at first.after a while smelling it for 1 or 2 hours non stop,i feel nauseous and now,i feel like puking.the smell is so strong and so i decided to sit on the floor while online-ing.
so tomorrow!like any other year,the first week of school,on Saturday,we'll be decorating the class.well,we skipped last year because none of us could care less and as a result,we got announced by Pn Siaw during assembly sebagai salah satu contoh tidak membersihkan/menghias kelas.
Farisha told us to be at school by 8.Aswad groans sbb ckp tksmpat nk breakfast and all.i told him to just eat breakfast at school but he disagree.but,i told him he have to be here by 8 and he was like "kau?mcm la kau dtg pkl 8" ahh,i see,everyone seems to notice i am very very VERY unpunctual."kalau aku dtg pkl 8?" "kau?pukul 8?hebat aa" ok, note to self : be early.
so tomorrow!like any other year,the first week of school,on Saturday,we'll be decorating the class.well,we skipped last year because none of us could care less and as a result,we got announced by Pn Siaw during assembly sebagai salah satu contoh tidak membersihkan/menghias kelas.
Farisha told us to be at school by 8.Aswad groans sbb ckp tksmpat nk breakfast and all.i told him to just eat breakfast at school but he disagree.but,i told him he have to be here by 8 and he was like "kau?mcm la kau dtg pkl 8" ahh,i see,everyone seems to notice i am very very VERY unpunctual."kalau aku dtg pkl 8?" "kau?pukul 8?hebat aa" ok, note to self : be early.
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