Damn These Alarms!
not a fan of Vampire Weekend or anything that has the word vampire in it (dont ask me why haha) but tktahan tngk video ni. Joe Jonas lawak gila hahaha and Jake Gyllenhaal is too good to be true (gaga) waktu dia jatuh tu ingt lagi along ckp "alahai jatuh mcm perempuan" haha and i think this video is funny.
The Lonely Island's Boombox video clip is out! i first heard that song last year and last month baru keluar video clip dia. and i find it disgusting. old people french kissing is just ew. but Julian's red and blue streak on his hair is just awesomeeee and that peacock feather is whurddd. i like (Y)
BTW, hahahaha this will sound very silly. trust me. FINALLY, i met Julian Casablancas in my dreams! like LITERALLY. and it was right after i tweeted " I wish I could hang out with The Strokes :'( " so lesson dia kalau nk mimpi something pergi lah tweet the night before k. agak agak nk kahwin dgn anak sultan tp tau tkboleh g aa mimpi pun jadi lah kan.
hahahahahahaha bodoh gila aa bangun bangun puas hati gila wtf sounds wrong tp best gila aa tp frust sbb terbangun tidur! he was there, sitting right infront of me. a dream come true! not the come true part, but a dream! ok dah lah bunyi cam sangap gila -.-' hahahaha
k dah lah tu bye!