You Have A Text Message
kalau krng baca previous post,Ana mentioned about bila birthday dia je,smua org cuti kan?well,it's because this year,birthday dia sama dgn Raya Haji :')on the 27th November,it was Siti Intan Syazana's birthday!happy 17th birthday baby! :') kau mesti suka kan sambut birthday kau dengan lembu lembu? <3
and on the next day,we have someone else's birthday in the line :

Happy 18th Birthday Hanii ;) kau pun mesti suka kan a few minutes before birthday kau je,aku lompat atas kau masa kau tgh baca buku jiwang?HAHA WTF MAN? kau tunggu aku serang rumah kau k,pls? :')
anyw,love both of you guys and sorry cause we can't celebrate in the nearest time.
Have the greatest birthday and have loads of fun okay? :)